Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ronald Rolheiser says it best:


What is being asked of us today is that we find a new way to live out our faith within the affluence and sophistication of our culture.
Jesus tells us that we enter the kingdom of God more easily when we are poor, childlike, innocent, and helpless. We had those qualities in abundance before we became affluent, educated, and sophisticated, but we had them by conscription, not by choice. They came with our place in society. Moreover we had them prior to having affluence, education, wide experience, and acceptance within the mainstream. Our innocence was a first-innocence, our poverty a first-poverty, and our reliance on God was often dictated simply by our helplessness. Faith and faith communities work well when there's poverty, naiveté, innocence, and helplessness. They don't work nearly as well within affluence, sophistication, and self-reliance.
The task for us then, however difficult, is to become post-affluent, post-sophisticated, post-critical, and post-self-reliant. We need to become "inner immigrants", freely living out  those qualities of poverty, innocence, and powerlessness that our economic, social, and educational status once forced on us.
Our generation's task is to learn what those things mean, en-flesh them, and then pattern them for our children and for others to follow

The above excerpt from a column by Ron Rolheiser addresses the title of my blog. To ponder then: how do we follow the directive to "Come as a child?"  What would it look like for you?  How would that feel?

Monday, July 11, 2011

A poem:

Stepping out of time (to paint)  © 

7-9-11 by Kathie Houchens (written after spending an afternoon of plein air painting)

Sunny and breezy,
the afternoon called my name.
Come to the table of delight!
Welcome, creative spirit!
Spread paint and palette,
open eyes and heart,
see the color,
sense the beauty,
relax into the moment.
Whatever may result
on paper or canvas,
it is the breath-filled process,
the alert energy,
the release from schedule and duty
that gifts
a purifying loveliness
to all of life
as I step out of chronos into kairos
The universe and I are one.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Two poems


Wow, God.  You did it again!  Sunrise! ©       
By Kathie Houchens 
October 2, 2010

Crisp, fragrant, dew-drenched awakening,
Sun announces the glory of being.
Lake reflects God’s radiance reminding me to do the same.

I, too, am water, sixty to seventy percent,
Some deep, some shallow, some muddy, some clear as crystal.
“Be still,” I hear, “and know that…”God is present.

Canada geese arrive to celebrate, honking Clarabelle horns,
They intone reminders to be fools for Christ, Clowns for the Kingdom.
Embrace the day with laughter and joy!

Flocks land en masse, splashing applause-like sounds from pond to heaven.
Goose chorus erupts in loud chants; gruff greetings bark to announce the morn.
Then voices fade to silenced awe.

Telling out a descant of praise are meadowlark and song sparrow.
High noted, angelic, their soprano floats a heavenly counter-theme while
Barn swallows dance skyward.

Come fly, they call. Be free in the joy of life today.
All nature joins a cosmic chorus.
Why not I?

Springtime Benediction:
Stop! Look! Listen!  © 

By Kathie Houchens 
April 9, 2011

Spring’s soggy soil
                -Splish, squish, slosh-
Sucks at the soles of my shoes.

Geese honking in flight
                -Ruck, rawk, rawk-
Sound horns of delight over the meadow.

Clear-voiced cardinal calls
                -Pretty, pretty, whoit-whoit-whoit-
Feathers flash a scarlet streak, then lands on pine.

Rabbit and skunk scurry by
                -Quick darts of brown, black and white-
On the move to hunt or hide.

Daffodils’ silent surprise
                -One, two, three-
A trinity of yellow buds amid labyrinth’s dead, dried grasses.

Spring beauties in abundance, moss and fungi
                -Soft pink, rich emerald, bright orange-
Fresh color erupts from sleeping earth and dying log.

Rivulet and stream
                -Babble, gurgle, bubble-
Revived, gush with energy and purpose.

Present and aware on Springtime’s path
                -I stop, look, listen-
Sensory extravagance engages my soul in Creator’s Love.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Today's find....pretend you are a child as you read it.  A poignant reminder to "notice."

Must You Tiptoe, God?

Must you tiptoe, God?
Pass like a whisper
Through the chaos 
Of this crowded day?

Then make me
Still enough to hear --
The chickadee's feet
Against the birch,
The leaf turning
Its back against
The coming storm
   The sound of a tear sliding
   Down a craggy slope
The rustling winds
Of an angel, announcing
Some new birth
Some new baby's
   Must you whisper, God?
   Then make me, still.

--David Guiliano

Friday, March 11, 2011

At the beginning...

At the beginning of my life journey I set out to BE who I was created to be.  A precious human BEING!  Along the way  I  have become more of a human DOING.  My worth seemed to be judged based on accomplishments and productivity.  I learned to create and sustain a lifestyle of busyness and multi-tasking.  It has been exhausting.  Every capability that emerged  demanded that I throw myself into it. Not that I didn't enjoy it, or learn a lot from the wide and random exploration, but there came a point when I noticed (which required stopping long enough to pay attention) that I felt out of balance, out of touch with who I really am?

Even before I had heard of a blog, this one was writing itself in my subconscious, and even at times my conscious mind.  I wondered if scrambling down the complicated road to and through adulthood had been an effort not to escape childhood and "grow up," but rather to figure out that there is wisdom in the inner child that I had ignored.  I had lost touch with the essential ME.

In the course of this blog, I hope to explore the ways in which re-connecting with the innocence, candor, honestly and openness to amazement that young children possess innately, is a key to tapping into the holiness and purpose that is woven into the very fabric of my body and soul. (Psalm 139)

Copyright © 2011 Kathleen A. Houchens.  All rights reserved. No portion of this content may be reproduced without the written permission of the author.