Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Trees abloom in scampering squirrels
circling, chasing, with acrobat twirls,
they hang upside down in sheer jubilation,
knocking off snow’s new accumulation.
Racing each other to the tip of each limb
a fluffy gray one leaps off on a whim,
landing below with agile grace
he skitters back to rejoin the race.
Alive with fur balls, a dozen or so,
the tree branches welcome the go-go-go
of circus performers with bushy tails.
Their entertainment never fails
to bring a chuckle or at least a smile
as I watch entranced for a little while.
To live in a moment of unbridled fun
is the best gift we give ourselves, bar none.
I let go of thoughts that are weighing me down
to enjoy just a moment of playing the clown,
to feel energy flow, to revitalize,
to lighten my step and brighten my eyes.
Thank you, squirrels, my heart is warmed.
Enjoying  your antics I am transformed.