Sunday, April 10, 2011

Two poems


Wow, God.  You did it again!  Sunrise! ©       
By Kathie Houchens 
October 2, 2010

Crisp, fragrant, dew-drenched awakening,
Sun announces the glory of being.
Lake reflects God’s radiance reminding me to do the same.

I, too, am water, sixty to seventy percent,
Some deep, some shallow, some muddy, some clear as crystal.
“Be still,” I hear, “and know that…”God is present.

Canada geese arrive to celebrate, honking Clarabelle horns,
They intone reminders to be fools for Christ, Clowns for the Kingdom.
Embrace the day with laughter and joy!

Flocks land en masse, splashing applause-like sounds from pond to heaven.
Goose chorus erupts in loud chants; gruff greetings bark to announce the morn.
Then voices fade to silenced awe.

Telling out a descant of praise are meadowlark and song sparrow.
High noted, angelic, their soprano floats a heavenly counter-theme while
Barn swallows dance skyward.

Come fly, they call. Be free in the joy of life today.
All nature joins a cosmic chorus.
Why not I?

Springtime Benediction:
Stop! Look! Listen!  © 

By Kathie Houchens 
April 9, 2011

Spring’s soggy soil
                -Splish, squish, slosh-
Sucks at the soles of my shoes.

Geese honking in flight
                -Ruck, rawk, rawk-
Sound horns of delight over the meadow.

Clear-voiced cardinal calls
                -Pretty, pretty, whoit-whoit-whoit-
Feathers flash a scarlet streak, then lands on pine.

Rabbit and skunk scurry by
                -Quick darts of brown, black and white-
On the move to hunt or hide.

Daffodils’ silent surprise
                -One, two, three-
A trinity of yellow buds amid labyrinth’s dead, dried grasses.

Spring beauties in abundance, moss and fungi
                -Soft pink, rich emerald, bright orange-
Fresh color erupts from sleeping earth and dying log.

Rivulet and stream
                -Babble, gurgle, bubble-
Revived, gush with energy and purpose.

Present and aware on Springtime’s path
                -I stop, look, listen-
Sensory extravagance engages my soul in Creator’s Love.