Wednesday, March 27, 2013


By Kathie Houchens, March 27, 2013

Aha!  A new discovery!  The illusive formula for “happiness” may lie in this concept: spaciousness.  For decades I have clung to the theme of “come as a child” that seemed to me to be key to experiencing life in a way that liberates rather than constrains.  I have underlined books, copied quotes into notebooks, kept a computer file of links and references and even started this blog hoping that putting the title “out there” in a public way would propel my thoughts and energies into making sense of it.  

I intend to gather it all and organize ideas within the theme, but the task is daunting and I am a timid writer, especially when it comes to exposing weakness.  Children seem bolder than that, as I observe the real-life creativity of my grandchildren.  So I take some toddling steps now and begin to “walk” into the unknown in exploration of this idea. 

Recent reading has turned up the word: spaciousness.  That’s it, I believe.  Unscheduled time for listening to inner urges to follow the energy of the present moment.  Is it to rest, to listen to birdsong, to walk along a creek, to pick up a pen, a paintbrush, a trowel?  Could I spend a day without wearing a watch, without a glance at calendar or computer?  How programmed I have been to fill every minute of my life with some productive activity!  All are good, but not necessarily life-giving in the bigger picture.  What bravery would it take to re-claim the chance to “just be with what is,” as the contemplatives would encourage? 

One step in that direction might be to relinquish the quest to “be a success.”  My inner judge has a long list of criteria, accumulated through the decades as I measured myself against the lives and accomplishments of those I admire.  Books published, awards won, salaries earned, degrees achieved, positions gained, travel completed, and on and on.   Next to the composite greatness of others, I am nothing.  But maybe out of that sense of smallness I can return to the best sense of who I am.  I am created by the Great Creator God, named “I AM”, who values me, gives me MY identity, too, as “i am”, and  who offers me continuous presence and possibility.  Time is timeless for this great LOVE that was and is and will be.  To exit my “chronos” frame of mind and enter “kairos”, that spacious place of universe and cosmos, that is the gift of knowing and accepting the Truth that IS freeing. 

I set my intention now, to step, however timidly, across this threshold, this liminal place of hope and promise, sensing that this is where Easter’s Resurrection is found.

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